Processing research contracts through ORSO

Several WSU offices manage contracts. The Office of Research Support and Operations (ORSO), the WSU Real Estate and Business Office (REBO), and the WSU Purchasing Services all manage different types of contracts and agreements on behalf of WSU. ORSO manages research proposals, awards, and related agreements. All contracts related to research, whether the agreement includes money or not, must be routed through ORSO.

For a comprehensive understanding of the process and guidance on what steps to take, we recommend referring to When to Work with ORSO, which incorporates any items that ORSO does not process. It is important to understand that ORSO personnel have the necessary contractual authority to process and execute such agreements.

The Contracts Office generally processes WSU business and administrative contracts, and Purchasing Services manages procurements. For any agreements unrelated to research, please contact Purchasing Services.

If you require further assistance, you can utilize the Decision Tree feature to determine the appropriate office for processing your agreement, which is listed at the bottom of the link provided.