WSU Research Council

The WSU Research Council (WSU RC) is an inclusive group of faculty, administrators, and stakeholders who fosters information sharing and engagement across the university system.

The mission of the WSU RC is to advance research, scholarship, and creativity at Washington State University (WSU) by increasing visibility of research systemwide and sharing information broadly across sectors.

The WSU RC meets quarterly to discuss and share best practices, related to research policies, funding opportunities, procedural efficiencies, and systemwide strategic research goals.

The key responsibilities of the WSU RC are:

  1. Broad Stakeholder Engagement
    The WSU RC actively engages with a diverse range of stakeholders systemwide to advance the research enterprise.
  2. Information Dissemination
    The WSU RC disseminates key information about the research enterprise to relevant internal and external stakeholders.
  3. Research Faculty Engagement
    The WSU RC engages with research-active faculty through “faculty spotlight” presentations. At each quarterly meeting a faculty member shares their research and/or creative practice with the WSU RC for comment, possible collaborations, and information sharing about the breadth and depth of the WSU research enterprise.

By embracing a collaborative and informative approach, the WSU Research Council aims to elevate research excellence and contribute to the university’s overall success.