Matching Funds for Equipment

The Office of Research partners with academic units to obtain major research equipment and infrastructure that supports tenets of the University’s Strategic Plan.

If a sponsor requires cost sharing to purchase research equipment or infrastructure, you may request matching funds from the Office of Research.

Evaluation criteria

The Office of Research will evaluate requests for matching funds using the following criteria.

Attracting funding and doctoral students
How will the requested equipment/infrastructure enhance WSU’s ability to attract additional sponsored program funding and PhD students?

Serving multiple units
To what extent will the equipment/infrastructure serve multiple departments and colleges (as evidenced by the financial support from other units)?

Uniqueness of the equipment/infrastructure
To what degree is this equipment/infrastructure unique on the WSU campus?  Alternatively, how well is the case for duplication of the item substantiated? Please communicate whether the requested equipment is a duplicate or is similar to existing WSU equipment. Provide substantiation for any perceived duplication. Contact the Associate Vice President of ORSO for access to the Office of Research Infrastructure Inventory Database.

Benefit of the project
How well have you substantiated the benefit of the project as outlined in the sponsor funding opportunity announcement?

Procedure to request matching funds

At least 3 weeks prior to the funding agency deadline, matching fund requests must be routed as follows:

  • From the faculty member(s)
  • Through the appropriate chair(s)/director(s), dean(s), chancellor(s)
  • To the vice president for research, via the associate vice president of ORSO.

The vice president for research will review the request and may consult with the Research Infrastructure Committee for input. Approval documentation must be attached to the eREX form (the WSU internal tracking and approval form for all sponsored projects) when you submit the full proposal to ORSO.

Management of approved matching funds

All approvals of matching funds for equipment/infrastructure will be contingent on the successful funding of the proposal by the sponsor.

Please coordinate fund transfers and logistics with Mary Boyd, Office of Research area finance officer.