Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Research

Increasing WSU research opportunities

Working in accordance with the FAA, and state regulations, our purpose is not only to promote the use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in accomplishing valuable research, but to also ensure the safety of those involved, and the safety and privacy of the public as well.

Use of UAS by WSU faculty, staff, and students:

In the interest of safety, UAS flights by members of the WSU community will be allowed only in the following situations:

  • Academic departments conducting research, with an approved FAA COA, and in accordance with the current WSU UAS Policies and Procedures.
  • Educational demonstrations with prior approval by the Office of the Provost.
  • Non-research commercial events such as sporting event with an approved FAA Section 333 Exemption, or hiring of a contractor with an approved FAA Section 333 Exemption.
  • Personal use in accordance with FAA recreational/hobbyist rules. The City of Pullman has posted safety guidelines for use of UAS.

Researchers start here:

Contact Info:

Office of Research Support and Operations
Lighty 280, PO Box 641060
Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-1060
Contact Us

Did you see or find an UAS that may belong to WSU?

Did you see and / or find a UAS that you think may belong to WSU? Please contact the Office of Research Support and Operations as described above.