Centers and Institutes

Washington State University supports a wide range of centers, institutes, and laboratories across every academic discipline.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research Program (ADARP)
Using a portion of alcohol taxes, the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program (ADARP) at WSU funds state pilot grant projects on substance abuse and sponsors seminars on substance abuse, helps to buy pertinent library materials, and assists in recruiting substance abuse researchers. 

Center for Cannabis Policy, Research, and Outreach (CCPRO)
The Center for Cannabis Policy, Research, and Outreach (CCPRO) consists of more than 70 researchers across the WSU system who pursue four specific themes to establish WSU as a global leader in cannabis research, policy, and outreach. 

Center for Environmental Research, Education, and Outreach (CEREO)
The Center for Environmental Research, Education, and Outreach (CEREO) is a network of more than 350 faculty, staff, students, and industry leaders who tackle environmental issues through collaborative partnerships. 

Center for Institutional Research Computing (CIRC)
The Center for Institutional Research Computing (CIRC) coordinates many of WSU’s research computing efforts. By leveraging cyber-infrastructure resources across the WSU system, CIRC is creating a regional computing hub that enhances research across all colleges and campuses, with the goal of propelling WSU into a position of national leadership in the field of research computing. 

Consortium for Interdisciplinary Statistical Education and Research (CISER) 
CISER provides three types of service: engaged learning, collaboration, and consulting. These services support designing data-collection protocols and statistical analysis of the data resulting from research studies. This group coordinates consultation and assistance in statistical analysis to facilitate faculty collaborations. It also provides statistical support for research grants and training grants. 

Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
The Washington Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is a network of more than 30 expert business advisors working in communities across the state to help entrepreneurs or small business owners start, grow, or buy/sell a business. The Washington SBDC, a member of the national America’s SBDC program, is governed by a cooperative agreement between Washington State University, which is the statewide host of the program, and the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). 

Center for Behavioral Business Research
An interdisciplinary research and education center that unites industry leaders, academics, and students to study behavioral and consumer issues affecting modern organizations.

Center for Entrepreneurial Studies
Applying innovative methods to foster entrepreneurial skills.

Social and Economic Sciences Research Center (SESRC)
For over 50 years, the Social and Economic Sciences Research Center (SESRC) at WSU broadly serves the research community, conducting and helping to design social science surveys and evaluations that shed new light on people’s opinions, needs, behaviors, attitudes, and preferences. The SESRC provides additional services, including helping to identify focus groups, data entry and verification, mass-mailing processing, and the creation of customized online data collection programs. 

State of Washington Water Research Center (WRC)
Established by the American Water Resources Research Act of 1964 as one of the National Institutes for Water Resources, the State of Washington Water Research Center (WRC) has worked in water resources for more than half a century, providing an integral connection between academics, local, state, and federal government, and the private sector. 

Arboretum and Wildlife Conservation Center
Hosts facilities devoted to wildlife ecology, conservation, and the study of biological diversity, including the WSU Bear Center, Endangered Species Lab, Large Carnivore Conservation Lab, Raptor Rehabilitation Program, and Wild Ungulate Facility. The woodland forest within the arboretum is managed as a wildlife sanctuary and includes rare native plants.

Bear Research, Education, and Conservation Center 
The WSU Bear Research, Education, and Conservation Center is a one-of-a-kind facility that aims to provide information and the necessary understanding to conserve bears around the world.

Center for Digital Scholarship and Curation (CDSC)
Fosters the creation of digital tools, projects, public programming, and educational opportunities, with an emphasis on ethical curation and collaborative scholarship.

Center for International Health Services, Research and Policy
Conducts international comparative analyses regarding health system priority areas, emphasizing low- or middle-income countries.

Center for Non-Thermal Processing of Food
Exploring new methods in nonthermal food processing (processing methods that do not use heat).

Center for Precision Agricultural and Automated Systems
Developing research and educational programs in the areas of agricultural automation and precision farming.

Center for Reproductive Biology
Provides opportunities for reproductive biologists across the Pacific Northwest to collaborate and learn from one another.

Center for Social and Environmental Justice
Fostering analysis of social, economic, racial and environmental justice issues and promoting human rights and conflict resolution at the local, national and global levels.

Center for the Study of Animal Well-Being
Aims to improve the well-being of animals, enhance the mutual benefits of human-animal interactions, and offer related educational programs.

Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources
Conducting research and providing education on critical issues facing agriculture, such as climate change, energy and water security, and ways to make agricultural production systems more sustainable.

Center for Transformational Learning and Leadership
Providing learning and leadership experiences that build essential success skills in three areas: foundation, integration and translation.

Clean Plant Center Northwest
A collaborative effort of scientists, researchers, nurseries, and growers, working to increase the economic sustainability of specialty crop production in the U.S.

Energy Systems Innovation Center
Uniting research faculty, business leaders, and governmental organizations to address the demand for clean, reliable energy, including using Smart Grid technology to make the power system more efficient, responsive, and secure.

The Aviation Sustainability Center (ASCENT)
ASCENT is a cooperative aviation research organization co-led by Washington State University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Also known as the Center of Excellence for Alternative Jet Fuels and Environment, ASCENT is funded by the FAA, NASA, the Department of Defense, Transport Canada, and the Environmental Protection Agency. ASCENT works to create science-based solutions for the aviation industry’s biggest challenges. A coalition of 16 leading US research universities and over 60 private sector stakeholders committed to reducing the environmental impact of aviation, ASCENT also works in partnership with international research programs, federal agencies and national laboratories to create an all-inclusive research capability for whatever environmental impact obstacle the aviation industry faces.

Addressing economic, social, political, and technical problems that affect the competitiveness of Washington’s agricultural and related sectors.

Intensive American Language Center
Teaches English as a second language and prepares international students for study at U.S. colleges and universities.

Learning and Performance Research Center
Studies factors related to success in work and learning environments, develops and evaluates statistical and methodological innovations, and provides evidence-based evaluations of program interventions.

Marriott Hospitality Culinary Innovation Center
Providing students in the School of Hospitality Business Management with experiential learning opportunities in a dining room, “business of wine” classroom, production kitchen, and culinary lab for instruction.

Murrow Center for Media and Health Promotion
Develops and evaluates health communication campaign strategies that make flexible use of a full range of media platforms to affect social development and quality of life.

Pacific Northwest Center for Mestizo and Indigenous Research and Engagement
Conducting research to improve social, economic, educational, and political conditions for Latino/Mestizo and Native/Indigenous communities worldwide.

Sleep and Performance Research Center
Studies sleep and wakefulness in normal people to answer critical questions about the effects of reduced and displaced sleep on mental performance and health.

Smart Environments Research Center
Making the environments in which we live and work safer, healthier and more productive through advanced data analytics and adaptive systems.

Social and Economic Sciences Research Center
Providing high quality survey research services to the University, to citizens, and to policy makers nationwide.

Translational Addiction Research Center
Explores the problems of drug addiction.

Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center
Housing the F. L. Overley Laboratory (horticulture, plant physiology, soil sciences, entomology, and plant pathology) and the USDA Tree Fruit Research Laboratory, among other laboratories and facilities, on 200 acres.

Washington Center for Muscle Biology
Seeks new treatments for muscle disease, helps translate research discoveries into life-changing remedies, and prepares future scientists to continue the quest.

WSU Research and Extension Centers
Conducting research to sustain crop health and Washington growers’ productivity.

Western Center for Risk Management Education
Provides tools and training to help farmers and ranchers establish long-term risk management strategies that will strengthen the economic viability of their enterprises.

Thomas S. Foley Institute for Public Policy and Public Service
A nonpartisan, cross-disciplinary center that advances the public’s understanding of democratic institutions, engages students in public service, and supports academic research to address society’s most vexing public policy challenges.

Freight Policy Transportation Institute
Addressing the need for improved intermodal freight transportation, as well as policies and actions that can be implemented to lower operating costs, increase safety, and reduce environmental impacts.

Hoops Institute of Taxation Research and Policy
Fostering cross-disciplinary exploration of tax policy.

Institute of Biological Chemistry
Pursues fundamental research in the molecular biology and biochemistry of plants.

Institute of Materials Research
Finding interdisciplinary answers to advanced materials science problems.

Institute for Shock Physics
A multi-disciplinary research organization with an emphasis on understanding condensed matter response at extreme conditions.

International Business Institute
The hub of international educational programs in the Carson College of Business.

Washington State Institute for Criminal Justice
Providing an objective outlet for policy and programming decisions that affect criminal justice agencies.

Laboratory of Astrobiological Investigations and Space Mission Planning
Investigating planets and moons within and beyond our Solar System and how these environments can serve as a potential habitat for microbial life.

Neurocognition Science Laboratory
Bridging disciplines to examine factors that may impede or enable learning across the lifespan.

Sports Science Laboratory
Investigating the dynamics of bat and ball collisions to help regulating agencies better understand equipment performance through experimental testing and numeric models.

Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory
Identifies drugs that may be dangerous to dogs with the MDR1 gene mutation, which predisposes dogs to many adverse drug reactions. The VCPL conducts laboratory tests for the MDR1 gene and determines alternative drugs and doses for affected dogs.

Wildlife Habitat Nutrition Lab
Determines the food habits of both domestic livestock and wildlife and performs chemical analyses on plants eaten by those animals, seeking to develop methods for predicting the nutritional well-being of free-ranging animals