VCR and ADR provide research support for faculty and staff

As we have transitioned between in-office and remote work, we know you have questions and need support. The Office of Research works closely with Vice Chancellors for Research (VCR) and Associate Deans for Research (ADR). They may be a great resource you may not know you have.

Your VCR’s and ADR’s are there to help with more than leadership. They are your faculty representation for research-related committees, help with research coordination and faculty development, and can assist with internal reviews of proposals and other applications. They also support and mentor faculty and oversee the adherence to compliance mandates, policies, and procedures within and on campus labs and other buildings.

If you are unfamiliar with who your VCR or ADR is, you can check the WSU Research Council website, which has them labeled on the roster at the bottom of the page.