CITI Research Misconduct Training

CITI training can be accessed directly through CITI’s website.  Login with your WSU credentials to have your profile automatically built out for you. See below for full break down on all steps needed to complete your Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)  and your Conflicts of Interest (COI) training.

After your training is completed your certification of completion will automatically be loaded into your WSU account.

For help getting started, or searching for new courses, please refer to our guides below.

Note: WSU Direct Login is now available for CITI. For those that have have already created an account you will be prompted to link your personal account to your WSU account (if you used the same email). Linking your account  will allow you to login with both your personal password and your WSU password and also updates your profile with your WSU information to insure that your course work makes it back to WSU.

Quick Links

Setting up your CITI Account

  1. Access your account directly through CITI’s website.
  2. After you have logged in, scroll down and select Add a course.Screenshot of adding a course link
  3. Select all options that apply to you.
    If you are only taking the required RCR and COI course(s) select ‘yes’ to the last two questions.Screenshot of selecting curriculum
  4. Select the most applicable option to tailor the course for your RCR training.
    If you are unsure of which to select, please consult with your supervisor.
    Graduate students must choose from one of the following areas: biomedical, social and behavioral, physical science, humanities, or engineering. Staff and faculty not involved specifically in any of these areas can select the RCR course that most closely relates to their work.
  1. You are now registered! Click ‘Start Now’ on a course subject to start, the training module.

Continuing your course work

  1. Login to your CITI account to pick up where you left off with your training.
  2. Click View Courses.Screenshot of home Screen
  3. Click Continue Course. 

Adding new coursework

  1. Login to your CITI account to pick up where you left off with your training.
  2. Click View Courses.
  3. Scroll down and click Add a Course.
    Screenshot of adding a course link
  4. Select all options that apply to you.
    If you are only taking the required RCR and COI course(s) select ‘yes’ to the last two questions.Screenshot of selecting curriculum
  5. Select the most applicable option to tailor the course for your RCR training.
    If you are unsure of which to select, please consult with your supervisor.
    For those not involved specifically in biomedical, social and behavioral, physical science, humanities, or engineering, please select the RCR course that most closely relates to your work.


I have two account CITI Accounts, can I combine them?

If you would like to merge two learner accounts, please send an email to and include all the information below:

  • Your name
  • The name of your institution (Washington State University)
  • The member ID number, last name, first name, and username of the learner whose account you wish to keep.
  • The member ID number, last name, first name, and username of the learner whose account you wish to merge.

How do I check that my WSU ID is correct?

Note that this is only needed for legacy users. If you set up your account, or linked your CITI account to your WSU account this step is automatically configured for you.

  • Login to your CITI profile.
  • Click on your name in the upper right corner.
    • In the drop down click Profiles.
  • Under Institutional Profiles, click Edit Profile next to Washington State University.
  • Scroll down to the WSU ID Field and update it as necessary (Eight digit number).
    Note that if your account was created through WSU this field will be blank-your WSU ID is hidden in the background.
  • Scroll down and hit Update.