Submit Proposals

Researchers from all WSU campuses who are seeking external funding must process their proposals through the Office of Research Support and Operations (ORSO) website.

Use the eREX proposal submission form at least two days before the funding agency’s proposal submission deadline. 

Before ORSO submits the proposal, principal investigators and appropriate administrators must also review and approve proposals. Pullman ORSO staff or the ORSO Grant Management staff for the Spokane and/or Vancouver campuses will submit the proposal to the funding agency or, if needed, return it for revisions. A list of department contacts and other eREX form approvers can be found on ORSO’s department contact list

The narrative hold program allows faculty additional time to finalize and polish their research/technical narratives and may be applicable for some eREX forms, less the narrative and its directly associated documents, that are completed and approved two days prior to the funding agency’s deadline. 

Find more information about the submission process on the ORSO website and by reading the Proposal Review, Processing and Submission Guideline #1