Manage Research Projects

Managing a research project can be complicated, but the Office of Research is ready to help with a wide range of information, training sessions, and support.

Research Administration

The Office of Research Support and Operations (ORSO) works with other University entities to administer sponsored proposals and awards and to ensure regulatory compliance throughout the research administration process. ORSO negotiates terms of agreement between WSU researchers and sponsoring agencies, and processes non-funded agreements governing such issues as confidentiality, material transfer, and data sharing. 

Responsible research practices are fostered by the Office of Research Assurances (ORA), which oversees the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), the Institutional Review Board (IRB), and other ethical and compliance committees and boards. Read more about complying with laws and guidelines.

Accounting of sponsored projects is provided by WSU’s Sponsored Programs Services (SPS) and includes financial reporting, billing, and cash collections.  SPS is a separate office that works closely with the Office of Research.

To better understand the policies and guidelines associated with managing a project, researchers should refer to the “Managing a project” section of WSU Policies and Guidelines and “Chapter 45: Research” in the Business Policies and Procedures Manual (BPPM)

For more information about research management, you are encouraged to view the Office of Research Advancement and Partnerships (ORAP) recorded information session, Managing your Grant through the MyResearch Database, and the associated PowerPoint document. 

PI Roles and Responsibilities

As the lead principal investigator (PI) of a sponsored project, you have certain roles and responsibilities, including fiscal accountabilities and records management associated with your award, but there are several resources available to you as you navigate these requirements.  Chapters 40: Sponsored Agreements and 45: Research in the Business Policies and Procedures Manual (BPPM) provide information about fiscal and other research responsibilities associated with your sponsored project. 

For more detailed information about your specific roles and responsibilities at each stage in the research administration process, refer to the ORSO page devoted to this topic.  Additionally, you are encouraged to view the ORAP recorded information session, PI Roles and Responsibilities, and the associated PowerPoint document.