Core Research Facilities

Core labs make specialized research instrumentation, technology, and services available to WSU faculty, student researchers, and external clients.

Franceschi Microscopy and Imaging Center (FMIC) 
The center plays an essential role in the University’s life sciences and engineering research by providing instrumentation and expertise for the observation, imaging and ultrastructural study of biological and nonbiological specimens using light and electron microscopy.  

Molecular Biology and Genomics Core
The Molecular Biology and Genomics Core provides DNA sequencing, protein sequencing, oligonucleotide synthesis, peptide synthesis, and some information services. This laboratory also provides WSU researchers with two next-generation sequencing platforms (Ion Torrent and 454 Life Sciences), as well as providing a multitude of services and instrumentation to support investigations in molecular biology, genomics, and proteomics. 

Nuclear Science Center (NSC)
Housed within the Dodgen Research facility, the Nuclear Science Center (NSC) maintains oversight of WSU’s 1 MW TRIGA research reactor. The Center pursues a multidisciplinary teaching, research, and service endeavor designed to make high impact contributions to nuclear science, national and international security, nuclear non-proliferation, and emergency readiness. 

Stable Isotope Core Facility
This facility allows researchers to address critical questions by measuring naturally occurring, stable isotopes of important elements in plant, soil, water, and atmospheric samples. 

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Laboratory
Administered by the College of Arts and Sciences, the WSU Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Laboratory provides access to state-of-the-art NMR instrumentation, which determines the spectrum (or fingerprint) that reveals the identity and structure of molecules. The lab’s equipment offers the valuable flexibility of being able to study both solids and liquids. 

Tissue Imaging and Proteomics Laboratory (TIPL)
This facility uses mass spectrometry imaging techniques to understand metabolic processes in all types of organisms, from animals to plants to microbes, down to the subcellular level using high-spatial resolution. The laboratory has leading-edge instrumentation for the large-scale profiling and identification of proteins and metabolites that can ultimately provide a better understanding of the cellular responses of organisms to external stimuli.  

WSU Spokane Instrumentation Core Facilities
Additional instrumentation core facilities are on the WSU Spokane campus, including mass spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, genomics, flow cytometry, and microscopy. 

High Performance Computing (HPC) at the Center for Institutional Research Computing (CIRC) 
The Center for Institutional Research Computing provides high-performance computing resources and expertise to advance computational and data-intensive research across WSU. Services include support, guidance, and training in the use of the HPC cluster, application development and deployment, and investing in nodes and storage. 

Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Lab (WADDL) 
The Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory safeguards the health of agricultural animals, companion animals, aquatic animals and wildlife through diagnostic testing and consultation. The laboratory is dedicated to bettering animal and human health by protecting the public from animal-borne diseases. 

Monoclonal Antibody Center
The Monoclonal Antibody Center provides a range of services related to the production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies. Researchers in the biological and biomedical sciences use the center’s technology to study the immune system and how microorganisms can cause disease. The technology is pivotal in research related to vaccine development, disease resistance, and for food and companion animals. 

Laboratory of Biotechnology and Bioanalysis (LBB)
The Laboratory for Biotechnology and Bioanalysis (LBB) was established in the early 1990s as a service center and with the goal of providing access to normally cost-prohibitive instrumentation for individual labs. 

Food and Environmental Quality Laboratory
Working to ensure the quality and safety of food, the long-term sustainability of our food-producing lands and surrounding environment, and the economic viability of the agriculture and food industries of Washington State.

Laboratory for Atmospheric Research
Conducting air quality research, emphasizing biosphere/atmosphere interactions and regional air quality measurements and modeling.