Office of Commercialization opens announcement of opportunity for WA 64 Apple Cultivar

WSU has officially released its new apple cultivar WA 64. The Office of Commercialization is seeking an exclusive licensee to manage the tree commercialization of WA 64. Through the Announcement of Opportunity (AOO), the Office of Commercialization encourages the submission of proposals by qualified individuals, individual companies, groups of companies, cooperatives, groups of individuals and/or companies banding together under a cooperative arrangement.

The licensee will contract out the propagation of trees to nurseries and others, sublicensing to growers, trademark management, royalty collection, and more. WSU is not looking for the offeror under this AOO to be involved in sales and marketing of the fruit produced by the WA 64 trees or assistance in the naming of the trademark for WA 64.

The offeror/licensee will manage commercialization of WA 64 as its contribution to achieve the following overarching objectives:

  1. All qualified Washington growers will have fair and reasonable access to the cultivar.
  2. Long-term commercial success of the cultivar in Washington state.
  3. Management of appropriate commercial standards to provide adequate propagation and intellectual property management.
  4. Royalty schemas should provide a funding stream to contribute to the long-term financial sustainability of the WSU apple breeding program.
  5. Manage a controlled release of WA 64 in foreign territories to maintain full intellectual property coverage but not compete with Washington production.

To submit a proposal for the AAO for WA 64, visit the Office of Commercialization website.