NIIMBL announces RFP for Project Call 7.1

The National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIIMBL) has announced a request for proposals for Project Call 7.1 with member-driven and industry-led priority topic areas for technical and workforce development proposals. Concept papers are due August 3, followed by October invitations for full proposals.

  • Technology Development Topics  
    • Cell processing (primarily for application in cell therapies)
    • Technologies for intensified processing of therapeutic proteins
    • In-line, at-line, and online measurements for CQAs and / or process variables
    • Analytical and manufacturing technologies for viral vector manufacturing
    • Improving reliability and quality assurance of manufacturing processes, including Big Data applications
  • Workforce Development Topics  
    • Increase Interest in Biopharma Manufacturing Careers
    • Internship and Immersion Experiences for Non-Traditional Degrees
    • Innovative Talent Pipeline Partnerships
    • Education & Training for New Technologies and/or Use of New Modalities
    • Cross Regional Collaboration

NIIMBL aims to accelerate biopharmaceutical manufacturing innovation, support the development of standards that enable more efficient and rapid manufacturing capabilities, and educate and train a world-leading biopharmaceutical manufacturing workforce. WSU is a member of NIIMBL.

Learn more on NIIMBL’s website.