Agreement Types: BIPA and CAP

Broad Industry Project Agreements (BIPA)

WSU BIPA Template

These function to enable simple interactions with industry. They provide a mechanism to engage in testing, routine analysis, or material production activities with a very low transaction cost. BIPA contracts are intended to serve as a bridge that initiates an interaction with an industry partner that the faculty member can grow into larger projects.

Attributes of BIPA contracts:

  • Simple non-negotiable 1-page agreement provides partner access to results of the work
  • Does not restrict ability to publish information or provide access to WSU intellectual property
  • Overhead is waived, but projects incur a 10% project fee- 50% of this fee is returned to lead faculty
  • Projects are capped at $40,000
  • Not to be used for flow-through funding from any source (federal, state, foundation, etc.)

Contracting Acceleration Program (CAP)

These Agreements streamline the process of sponsoring research and licensing the resulting technology by combining both functions. The CAP allows industry sponsors and WSU researchers to choose from a variety up-front licensing options for intellectual property that results from sponsored research projects as an alternative to the traditional model of negotiating after the intellectual property is developed. This provides certainty for the sponsor and limits their potential costs. CAP agreements work best for highly applied projects where the expected outcomes specifically benefit a sponsor or improve or refine a sponsor’s product or offering. CAP agreements are not intended to be used in association with basic or exploratory research: They specifically aim to reduce risk for potential partners and simplify the overall contracting process.

Attributes of SRA-L contracts:

  • Full sponsored project agreement involving full indirect rates
  • Provides sponsor the ability to review publications for IP development
  • In addition to project cost sponsor pays licensing fee associated with the desired level of IP access
  • Licensing fee split 50/20/30 (PI’s Lab or Program/College or Department/Office of Research)
  • No cap on project size

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