I attest to the best of my ability and knowledge that the contents of this proposal meet expected standards and will comply with applicable laws, including any applicable statutes and regulations, and assure compliance with terms and conditions of any RFP or resulting documents (e.g. a sponsored award). These representations, certifications and assurances include, but are not limited to the following:
- This is original work and it is free of misconduct (falsification, plagiarism, fabrication) and has not been used by other individuals in the preparation and submission of substantively similar applications.
- The project fits within the academic framework and resources of my unit. The proposed objectives are reasonable and attainable – I have the capability and wherewithal to do this project.
- Requirements for new or renovated facilities/space have been discussed with the appropriate officials.
- The collaborations proposed are genuine and have been carefully reviewed and approved by the stated collaborators (all of your subcontractors have approved their involvement).
- The subcontractor(s) was (were) selected based upon their technical expertise and ability to successfully perform the statement of work.
- The subcontractor’s technical and cost proposal were reviewed and the activities proposed were found to be allowable and appropriate to meet the programmatic objectives of the project and that the costs proposed are allowable, reasonable, and necessary for the work to be done.
- Should I be selected for sponsored funding, I have an obligation to carefully review the terms and conditions of the resulting grant, contract or cooperative agreement and comply with said terms (PDF of final agreement can be obtained from MyResearch).
- If this proposal is to NIH, I acknowledge that I have properly disclosed all conflicts of interest, foreign affiliations, conflicts of commitment, and other support as required. I will also maintain all confidentiality in NIH peer review actions and when proprietary information and/or sensitive data is involved (including pre-publication information). If there is a significant change that impacts any NIH project (e.g. updating a principal investigator’s biosketch and Other Support), I will immediately notify NIH and the WSU Office of Research Support and Operations (ORSO), ensuring that all reports and communications are complete and accurate. I will obtain sponsor prior approval for inclusion of any foreign components to an NIH award. I will provide supporting documentation, which includes copies of contracts/agreements specific to all Investigators and/or Senior/Key personnel foreign appointments and/or employment with a foreign institution for all foreign activities and resources that are reported in Other Support. If the contracts/agreements are not in English, I will provide translated copies. More information: Protecting U.S. Biomedical Intellectual Innovation | grants.nih.gov; Other Support | grants.nih.gov
- If this proposal is to conduct an NIH clinical trial, and is funded in whole or in part by NIH, I understand my obligations and requirements, per NIH policy, to register this trial in Clinicaltrials.gov. I also understand that summary results of this trial are submitted in Clinicaltrials.gov for public posting.
- If this proposal is to the NSF, I acknowledge that I have developed and have on file with my department a Plan for a Safe and Inclusive Work Environment for Off-Campus or Off-Site Research in accordance with NSF PAPPG Chapter II.E.9 effective January 30, 2023. Guideline 35 including a template for this plan is found on the ORSO website.
- If this proposal is to the DOE, I acknowledge I am aware of the Interim COI policy found here: Department of Energy (DOE) COI information.
- I am familiar with all University Policies, rules and regulations pertaining to my responsibilities as an employee and the management of sponsored projects, including policies regarding invention ownership and disclosure, conflict of interest and excess compensation, research misconduct, and research ethics and compliance (e.g. approvals needed for work involving human subjects, vertebrate animals, biohazardous materials, human fluids or tissues, radioactive materials, hazardous materials, or export controls). I also understand and am familiar with my roles and responsibilities as identified on the ORSO website here: https://orso.wsu.edu/research-administration-process/, plus the contents of WSU BPPM’s 40 (Sponsored Agreements) and 45 (Research).
- I have disclosed all sources of outside compensation as required by the sponsor and WSU policy, including participation in any foreign talent recruitment programs. In addition, I certify, based on section 10632 of the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 (42 U.S.C. § 19232), that I am not a party to a malign foreign talent recruitment program (MFTRP).
- WSU lead PI is aware that if requested by a sponsor or ORSO, they will be required to provide supporting documentation, which includes copies of contracts, grants or any other agreement specific to senior/key personnel foreign appointments and/or employment with a foreign institution for all foreign activities and resources that are reported in Other Support. If the contracts, grants or other agreements are not in English, recipients must provide translated copies.
- All proposal development activities have occurred in compliance with CFR §200.460.
- The PI, Co-I and all key personnel are not currently debarred, suspended or otherwise restricted from applying, managing or participating in federally funded programs.
- Any sponsor current and pending support and/or disclosure related forms/reports are complete and accurate. I will update current and pending support and/or disclosure related forms/reports for all affected personnel as required by sponsors and/or the University. This request does not duplicate requests for the same work, and all consulting and extended professional activities have been disclosed as required by the Faculty Manual.
- Any and all records generated from the work performed on this project are owned by WSU and must be maintained based on WSU retention record policies. Records include all laboratory notebooks, final data sets, the proposal, technical reports, continuation proposals, and all other paper and electronic records. I also know and understand applicable WSU data management policies, including Executive Policies 8 (WSU System Data Policies) and 37 (WSU Information Security Policy), and BPPM 87.01 (WSU Information Security Roles, Responsibilities, and Definitions).
- Any special project requirements that are outside normal WSU oversight have been considered.
- I understand the expectation to obtain individual “grant award lines” (the Workday term for “account”) as a best practice for reporting and understanding contribution at WSU.
- By clicking save on the approval screen within the eREX Form routing and approval process, I am stating that under penalty of perjury, I am making these assurances, certifications and representations personally and have not inappropriately shared my access credentials with anyone else as is prohibited according to WSU policies.