Ethics policies

Maintaining the highest standards for academic research

Washington State University ethics, conflict of interest, and technology transfer policy

The purpose of this policy is to promote integrity and objectivity in University research, including research funded by federal grants or cooperative agreements, and to meet regulatory requirements.

Executive Policy #27.

Responding to allegations of research misconduct

All members of the Washington State University community share responsibility for promoting and maintaining principles of academic integrity. The University expects researchers to adhere to the highest ethical standards in the conduct of research activities. It is committed to vigorously enforcing those standards.

Good faith complainants are protected from retaliation by the provisions of state law and University policy.

Executive Policy #33.

Additional ethics policies and procedures applicable to activities at WSU

As employees of the state of Washington, WSU personnel must comply with the ethical requirements imposed by state law, federal law, and WSU policy. For additional information regarding University-wide ethics rules and policies, including those found in the Business Policies and Procedures Manual, the Office of Procedures, Records, and Forms maintains comprehensive online access.

University Rules and Policies

WSU Faculty Manual

Washington State University faculty members are state employees and are subject to the ethics law and rules, as well as Washington State University ethics policies. Additionally, faculty members have obligations that derive from membership in the academic community. The WSU Faculty Manual contains the Faculty Code of Professional Ethics, which states the expected standard of performance. Adherence to the Faculty Code of Professional Ethics, Faculty Manual section II.C.1, and to the Conduct Regulations, Faculty Manual section II.F.3, is the responsibility of the individual faculty member.

WSU Faculty Manual