Office of Research welcomes two new faculty fellows

The Office of Research is proud to welcome two new faculty fellows for the 2023 academic year. Ashley Boyd, associate professor and director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of English, and Tor de Vries, assistant professor in the Digital Technology and Culture Department, have both been selected to assist in furthering the Office of Research in select areas over the next year.

Boyd will lead a working group of external stakeholders, faculty, and staff on advancing arts and humanities research. In this role, she will work collaboratively with multiple groups to enhance, support, and evaluate research, scholarship, and creative production in arts and humanities at WSU. This includes meetings to discuss new and innovative ways to support faculty, create new programming, and define emerging areas of interest. Boyd has already begun to schedule events emphasizing the arts and humanities across all campuses through Research Week and the fall Information Session series hosted by the Office of Research Advancement and Partnerships. 

De Vries will lead a team to develop a new web and social media strategy for the Office of Research. He has already begun to work with OR leadership and staff on drafting a strategy that enhances the office’s communication efforts to tell an inclusive, expansive, and effective story of research at WSU. During the next year, he will also be expanding his team to include WSU undergraduate interns and graduate students. These hires will be vital in assisting the creation, production, and implementation of content for social media and the web.

You can learn more about the Office of Research’s Faculty Fellows Program.