What you need to know about harassment, discrimination, and your funders

Washington State University (WSU) recognizes that discrimination and harassment can impact the ability of students, staff, faculty, and community members to participate in, access, or reap the benefits of educational and employment opportunities.

WSU encourages reporting and questions, including anonymously, to Compliance and Civil Rights (CCR). WSU offers support even if reporting parties choose to limit the information they disclose. In addition, WSU recognizes that reporting discrimination may be difficult for several reasons and puts the burden on the person experiencing harm. Thus, WSU requires all WSU employees to help create a culture of compliance.  Please see Executive Policy 15, “Policy Prohibiting Discrimination and Harrassment,” for more detailed information regarding questions, complaints, and the reporting process.

Another aspect of harassment and discrimination reporting has to do with following the policies and guidelines our research funders require WSU to adhere to. Once a complaint of discrimination or harassment has been filed at WSU, CCR will assist in the investigation to ensure all issues are resolved quickly and completely. If there are significant findings during the investigation, WSU is responsible and required to report these findings to those funding the violator’s research. The table below outlines the triggers and response times WSU must follow when reporting harassment to four of our top federal funding agencies (table current as of October 2022).

For additional information regarding other funder’s requirements, please see your grant or contract terms and conditions, or speak to your units grant and contract administrator(s).